Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Clinton Narrative-Ben Smith's Blog

Ben Smith writes about the rationale why Hillary continues to be covered as if she still has chance to be nominee, even though mathematically she does not. I would venture to guess their is a dark subconscious reason Hillary will stay in the race (well after all primaries have been decided in Obama's favor) and that reason is we have never had a presidential candidate with such a likelihood of being assassinated as we have in Barack Obama.

If a tragedy does befall Obama, Hillary will likely be this generation's Herbert Humphrey and loose to McCain in the fall. If Barack Obama lives to a ripe old age, then our generation will have what the 60's didn't: a charismatic leader that we are left with faults and all. With the on going adulation the media has been giving Obama, and repeatedly being compared to a Kennedy it is not entirely good for him to fulfill the presidential path of JFK or RFK. Both Kennedys presidential aspirations (achieved and potential) tends to be over hyped through the rose colored glasses of nostalgia in my opinion. Had JFK not been killed, he may very well have lost re-election, though probably not to Goldwater but an ideological middleground candidate. RFK would not have been able to carry all of the hopes, dreams and aspirations that the deaths of JFK and Martin Luther King Jr. put on his shoulders, and would have been a tredmoundous let down.

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