Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bloomberg Called Ready to Announce Third-Term Bid - NYTimes.com

Bloomberg Called Ready to Announce Third-Term Bid - NYTimes.com

You know how you can tell the good guys from the bad guys... good guys follow the rules. I remember a Bullwinkle cartoon where Boris breaks down the fourth wall tells the audience "you know I'm the bad guy because I even cheat at solitaire." Changing the rules for themselves in the middle of the game is exactly what the current bumper crop of cartoonishly evil elected officials in the city council and the mayor's office.

The 25th Amendment which installed term limits on the president was ratified during the Truman presidency, but couldn't take effect until he left office (because it would have been Un-American to change the rules of presidency in the middle of the presidency.) Bloomberg does not hold to the same ethical standard, and feels compelled to change the law that was put directly to voters twice and was overwhelmingly approved of both times.

This is New York City not some sort of third world dictatorship where elections are overturned by executive fiat. If the city council and the mayor really felt that term limits actually hurt the city and it is not simply a desperate power grab and a continuation of their jobs then they would rescind term limits but leave office under the terms that they entered it, serving only 2 terms.

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