Friday, May 04, 2007

Blacks are unemployed because there are too many broken 40 oz. bottles

Barak Obama speaking to 1199SEIU union staffers and excutive council members had a question posed to him by Kym Platt of asked the junior senator from Illinois "the African-American community suffer from a large unemployment problem, especially here in New York, what would your adminstration do to solve this problem?"

Barack Obama's response was to state
"that our government has failed them but also there seems to be too many broken 40 oz bottles in the streets."
Sen. Obama pivoted off the racial faux pas by pointing out that in Iowa the problem of unemployment leads to hopelessness as well and that they also turn to drinking. When he finally got around to answering the question he returned to an earlier answer about energy conservation and environmental concerns that would lead to "many new jobs for our young men and women." Obama, in my opinion, did not adequately dodge the racial issue that was couched in the question, nor did he answer the question in anything close to a straight forward manner.

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