Sunday, October 08, 2006

Spitzer Vows to Push for Gay Marriage - New York Times

Spitzer Vows to Push for Gay Marriage - New York Times

It is very unlikely that Eliot will be expending any political capital on gay marriage, it will not help him out when he runs for president 2012 or 2016. By the time it will be a political strength to a national campaign and it will look like Spitzer is doing a me-too and doesn't really have the umph that it would have he pushed forward in the first 100 days of governorship. He could simply make it state policy to recognize same sex partnerships among state employees (as the chief executive it would not require state legislature approval) and allow them to share benefits. If he really wanted to push for equality will take the first step having the state recognize domestic partnerships, he probably will not even mention anything regarding gay marriage for the first term.

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