Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Spitzer Eases Up on Tough Talk of a Shutdown - March 27, 2007 - The New York Sun

Spitzer Eases Up on Tough Talk of a Shutdown - March 27, 2007 - The New York Sun

Coming to his senses a little bit Governor Spitzer turns down the steamroller rhetoric, admits the possibility there can be compromise from his plan of take nearly all the money from healthcare and give it to middleclass property cuts and suburban schools, and Senator Joe Bruno's plan giving away the store as if money grows on trees. In my honest estimation I do believe closing the government would play very well in the press for more than 2-3 days. The NY GOP needs some issue to make Spitzer look like the bad guy and the healthcare workers getting screwed by the Governor's budget would be able to mobilize school districts that depend on the budget being on time to form their budget that goes to people to be voted on in late May. When everyone is trapped in their own hyperbole of how horrible the other side is problems never can get solved and Spitzer being the most visable face he will get most of the blame. Joe Bruno and Speaker Silver will never win a popularity contest statewide but they do not need to, they only need half their conference (in the Senate and Assembly repectively).

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